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Searching For: 2747-0954 2747-0954

Peranan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Dalam Pemilu Serentak Tahun 2019

The 2019 general election is a starting point in holding elections simultaneously which involves the election of all members of…

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Views: 1

Implementasi Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Talking Stick (CLTTS) Bagi Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Di SMPN 1 Mandirancan

The purpose of this study was to increase the activities and outcomes of learning English with the subject of Imperative…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Manajemen Pengelolaan Kelas Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Supervisi Klinis Pengawas Di SDN 15 Perawang

The purpose of implementing this PTKp activity is to improve the ability of teachers in classroom management during the Covid…

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Views: 1

Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Pengelolaan Proses Pembelajaran Melalui Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Menggunakan Teknik Classroom Visition Di SMAN 2 Tarutung

This study aims to determine the implementation and improvement of teachers' abilities in managing PBM through the implementation of academic…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Pengembangan Wawasan Islam Kebangsaan Mahasiswa Melalui Konseling Sebaya di Masjid Kampus

Radicalism can pervade in all religions, the only difference lies in the model of expression and intensity. Symptoms in the…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Hypno Family Melalui Metode Psychodrama Untuk Mengoptimalkan Potensi Dalam Menjalankan Peran Sebagai Anggota Keluarga

This research is motivated by a large number of human psychological problems that have an impact on economic problems, environmental…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Peningkatan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Melalui Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Dengan Teknik Observasi Kelas Di SMAN 2 Siborongborong

The purpose of this study is to improve the pedagogical competence of teachers at SMAN 2 Siborongborong through academic supervision…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Potret Prosesi Tradisi Rasulan Di Kabupaten Gunungkidul

The Rasulan tradition is synonymous with the coastal communities of Gunungkidul. This tradition is used as a means of worship…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Pelaksanaan Pengajian Mujahadah Kamis Wage Bagi Peningkatan Kualitas Bacaan Berbahasa Arab Jamaah

Pengajian Mujahada Kamis Wage has become an important part in the study of Islam at the Pandanaran Islamic Boarding School,…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Penguatan Peran Takmir Masjid dalam Tanggap Bencana Gempa Bumi di Desa Bangunharjo

The purpose of implementing community service is to encourage active participation of mosque takmirs in Bangunharjo Village, Sewon District, Bantul…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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